Developmental Delay In Children | Do You Need To Be Concerned About Your Child?

Developmental delay in children: Child not motivated, over-emotional, not communicating? Not developing like they should?

Developmental delay in children: Are you worried about your child? Find out why they are doing any of the following:

Please invest 2 minutes of your time to watch the developmental delay in children video below. It spells out the milestones your child should be at between ages 2-5.  Or if you prefer to read, then feel free to skip the video and go straight to the text below:

Developmental delay in children: To receive information to help your child send me a WhatsApp message on +971525608641

Not communicating well?

  • Not talking properly
  • Not responding to his name
  • Repeat what you say
  • Picky eater
  • Difficulty with toilet training
  • Have odd inexplicable obsessions
  • Walks on his or her toes
  • Doesn’t have friends
  • No social skills
Developmental Delay In Children | Do You Need To Be Concerned About Your Child?
Developmental Delay In Children

Developmental delay in children: To receive information to help your child send me a WhatsApp message on +971525608641

Seems unmotivated to do the things he or she is supposed to?

  • Having difficulty with reading
  • Hates writing
  • Can’t sit still
  • Though he is clever hates doing homework
  • Addicted to video games
  • Does your child climb everywhere
  • Frequent accidents
  • Exam phobia

Seem either over-emotional or under emotional?

  • Recurrent stomach aches or headaches
  • Refuses to go to school
  • Unable to leave you without tantrums
  • Bed wetting
  • Can’t make decisions
  • Does your child inflict pain on themselves
  • Sleeping a lot
  • Not sleeping
  • No longer motivated
  • Withdrawn
  • Has frequent panic attacks when left alone
  • Mood swings
  • Unexplained rage attacks

Is your child not developing as fast as his or her peers?

  • Not speaking
  • Not walking
  • Cannot hold a pencil
  • Has difficulty cycling
  • Has difficulty buttoning up their clothes
Developmental Delay In Children | Do You Need To Be Concerned About Your Child?
Developmental Delay In Children

Developmental delay in children: To receive information to help your child send me a WhatsApp message on +971525608641

Developmental delay in children that you need to be concerned about in 2 to 5-year-old children:

Developmental issues

There is an age range during which a certain developmental milestone is achieved. It depends on genetics, gender, and many other factors. Nonetheless, there are certain guidelines presented below which reflect the development of a typical pre-school child.

 Gross MotorFine Motor
Age 2 yearsRuns well, Kicks ball, Climbs well, Goes up and down the stairs (one step at a time)Builds tower of six cubes, Imitates vertical crayon stroke Turns book pages singly
Age 3 yearsGoes upstairs (alternating feet) Jumps from bottom step Pedals tricycle Stands on one foot momentarilyCopies circle Copies cross
Age 4 yearsHops on one foot Goes downstairs Stands on one foot (5 seconds)Throws ball overheadCopies square Draws person with two to four parts Use scissors
Age 5 yearsStands on one foot (10 seconds) Maybe able to skipCopies triangle Draws person with body Prints some letters

Developmental delay in children: To receive information to help your child send me a WhatsApp message on +971525608641

Selected language signposts

Skill2 years3 years4 years5 years
Comprehension–   Follows simple commands-  Identifies body parts-   Points to common objectsUnderstands in, under knows functions of common objectsFollows two-part commands, Understands same/differentRecalls parts of stories Understands number concepts Follows 3- part commands
ExpressionLabels common objects Uses 2 to 3 word sentencesUses 3 to 4 word sentences Uses regular plurals Uses pronouns(I, me, you) Can count 3 objects Can tell age, sex, and full nameSpeaks 3 to 5 word sentences Can tell a story Uses past tense Names one colour Can count 4 objectsSpeaks sentences >=5 words Uses future tense Names 4 colours Can count 10 or more objects
SpeechIntelligibility to strangers 25%Intelligibility to strangers 75%Normal stutteringDysfluencies resolved
Developmental delay in children: To receive information to help your child send me a WhatsApp message on +971525608641

Cognitive and social-emotional issues

 Age 2-3Age 3-4Age 4-5
CognitiveSort objects by category

Stack rings on a peg from large to small

Imitate more complex adult actions

Identify own reflection in the mirror by name

Respond from simple directions from caregivers

Name objects in a picture book

Match object with their uses

Demonstrate awareness of the past and present

Actively seek answers to questions

Learn by observing and listening to instructions

Organize objects by size and shape

Understand how to group and match objects according to color

Have a longer attention span of around 5 to 15 minutes

Ask “why” questions to gain information


Name and identify colors

Draw the shape of a person

Count to 5

Draw pictures they can often name and describe

Social and EmotionBecome aware that they are a boy or girl

Begin to dress and undress themselves

Demonstrate personal preferences about toys and activities

Start saying no to adults

Enjoy playing and watching other children

Become defensive about their own possessions

Use objects symbolically during play

Often have rapid changes in mood


Follow directions

Perform some tasks with little or no assistance

Share toys with other kids

Makeup games and ask other children to join in

Begin engaging in pretend play

Understanding basic differences between good and bad behavior

Develop friendships with other kids

Compare themselves to other children and adults

Become more aware of other people’s feelings

Enjoy dramatic, imaginative play with other children

Enjoy competitive games

Developmental delay in children: To receive information to help your child send me a WhatsApp message on +971525608641

Medical issues

  • High fever > 40 C degrees
  • Convulsion/fit
  • Sudden limp
  • Unusual drowsiness
  • Pain in the ears
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Stridor
  • Abdominal pain with vomiting
  • Blood and Mucus in stool
  • Burning whilst passing urine with

For more information on medical problems which Singhania Clinic helps with click here

Some common illnesses in the Gulf

  • Asthma Ear infections
  • Viral infections
  • Heat stroke Giardiasis
  • Threadworms
Developmental Delay In Children | Do You Need To Be Concerned About Your Child?
Developmental Delay In Children

Developmental delay in children: To receive information to help your child send me a WhatsApp message on +971525608641

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